Press On, Dear Self.

Why, hello there. Isn’t January going by quickly? As of today, half of the month had already passed. Have you done quite a lot already? Or are you still struggling to catch up on what has been happening?

Me, I am treading my way against the currents, trying to keep myself afloat. I have been wanting to write about a lot of things for a while now but I can’t bring myself to actually sit down and make time to put my thoughts in black and white. To break this blog’s hiatus, let me share with you a recurring message I have been pondering on for the past weeks.

Don’t you just love how “new year” signals a fresh start? I delight in the fact that during this time of the year, most people, if not all, are geared toward improvements, making themselves better than before. There’s so much beauty in seeing almost everyone radiate positivity and hope.

It would be ideal if everyone can keep their disposition as is all throughout the year! But after everything has settled down, we know that is not the case. When we go back to normal after the holidays, we realize, a new year does not really equate to clean slate – the troubles of the year that has passed are still there.

New year does not have that magic formula to solve problems STAT. But with the idea of a new year comes a renewed state of mind – one that is expectant for the worst to pass and the best to come.

The latter part of last year has been difficult. I have been weighed down by my anxiety. Truth be told, my anxiousness is still lingering up to now but praise God it is not as bothersome as it used to be.

Yup! I am one of the expectant ones that this new year will make sense of all the hardships that 2017 has brought. As I seek God more in this valley, this is what He has been echoing in me:

“I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” – Philippians 3:13-14

PRESS ON, dear self. You cannot change how your story started but you do have the liberty to choose how it ends. The dawn of a new day is an opportunity to turn things around. 

I still am not certain if I am anywhere near the mountain but if this season prolongs, I made a choice to savour the valley – looking forward to the lessons to be learned. I promised myself to be more present here. I will be here even if I don’t feel like it. I will show up and play my part for God cannot do something with me if I am not where He has placed me.

This is my prayer for you too. May you embrace where you are now – the success and failures springing from it. Don’t run away from the struggle. God has gone before you on this, you only need to be still (Deuteronomy 31:8).